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I made a decision that was necessary and I've been wanting to share it with you guys because it will be a major life change for me. Last October, I filed for divorce. Because I am still going through the process, I can not share any details with you at this time. I will let you know once everything is finalized.



Supplies needed:

Clothes pin

Yellow & black paint

Heart shaped doily

Black pipe cleaner

Googly eyes

Little pom poms


Step 1: paint 🎨 clothespin yellow with a black stripe and black head

Step 2: get a paper doily and fold accordion style (adding a little money would make for a fun surprise 💸)

Step 3: shove doily into the clothespin

Step 4: add antenna with a pipe cleaner

Step 5: add some googley eyes 👀 and optional pompoms for a cute factor

Step 6: Give ‘Bee Mine 🐝’ to your favorite valentine❤️



Supplies needed:

Empty vessel (I used an ice cream pale)

Mod Podge

Foam brush

Tissue paper, fabric, old Valentine’s Day cards, whatever you want to use to collage

Ribbon (optional)


Step 1- grab your empty vessel 🪣

Step 2- remove the handle (if there is one)

Step 3-using Modpodge, tissue paper, fabric, and old valentine cards make a collage on your pail while covering the collage in mod podge

Step 4- the more you add the cuter your collage will get - no minimalism here!

Step 5- add your handle back on your bucket

Step 6 - tie on some bows to up your cute factor 🎀

Step 7- fill your bucket with valentine goodies 💌



Supplies needed:


Ice Cream Pale

Hot glue gun


Step 1- remove the lid from your pale and cut a slot in the top (you want it large enough for valentines) 💌

Step 2- Cut off your squishmallows head and pull out fluff ☁️

Step 3- put hot glue on the bottom of your pale and glue it to the bottom of the inside of your squishmallow 🪣

Step 4- re-stuff the squishmallow around the pale

Step 5- glue the body in place at the top of the pale

Step 6- glue the squishmallow head around the lid (be mindful of your slot location) 🧸

Step 7- once you’ve attached the head 3/4 way around the lid, carefully stuff making sure to eyeball where the slot is

Step 8- cut a slit in the fabric on the head of the squishmallow and hot glue that fabric around the slit in the top of the lid ✂️

Step 9- finish hot gluing around the rest of the squishmallow head to the lid of the pale

Step 10- place the lid/head on the top of your squishmallow body and now you have the perfect valentines mailbox! 📬🧸



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This year, my sister and I had the idea of creating vision boards for 2025. I have never made one before, but I have plenty of wishes and goals for the upcoming year. A vision board is a collage of images and words representing goals for the upcoming year and acts as inspiration and motivation to achieve those goals. Sounds simple enough… but let’s add a fun factor! 

 I visited my local craft store and picked up a frame that I am going to use as my canvas for my 2025 vision board. My frame is 12“ x 12“ but you could use any size you’d like. To create the actual collage, I’m using a mixture of scrapbooking, papers stickers, and even images out of magazines. A really fun embellishment I recommend using on this project is stickles - which is like the puffy paint of crafting. Sickles come in all sorts of colors and a lot of times have a glittery finish. Stickles is great because the glitter stays in tact, doesn’t make a mess and it dries relatively flat. Which makes it easy to frame it in your vision board.

 This project is so fun because you can personalize it and make it your own. Pictures can stand on their own or you can add text. Also, don’t be afraid of using your own handwriting. Your handwriting is personal and unique, and will make the perfect addition to your New Year’s project.

Happy crafting!




1 cup butter

1/4 cup brown sugar

2/3 corn syrup

1 tablespoon baking soda

1 bag of Puff Corn


Preheat oven to 250

Caramel sauce:

On low heat on stove- melt butter, brown sugar and corn syrup

Once melted add baking soda

Place puff corn on baking sheet with parchment paper

Pour caramel sauce mixture onto puff corn and mix

Bake for 15mins

Remove, stir and bake for another 15mins

Dump on wax paper and separate

Cool, serve and enjoy!

You can watch the full video linked below


Merch is still available on my website!

Linked below

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The holidays are officially here! If you’re anything like me, you’ve got a variety of gifts to wrap of all shapes all sizes… emphasis on sizes. Not all gifts come in a box, but that doesn’t mean you can’t wrap them up in the cutest way. I’m going to show you how to wrap all of those gifts and make them look perfectly extra using my gift wrapping secret weapon… cellophane! My family has been wrapping gifts with cellophane for years. When you line your wrapping paper with clear cellophane, the paper will not rip no matter the shape or size of your gift. It’s a fun fact that will completely change the game in your holiday gift wrapping. Introducing the ‘Tootsie Roll method’.

What you’ll need:

Grab your favorite wrapping paper


Ribbon ... and optional wire garland

Tootsie Roll Method how to:

First, lay the cellophane down on a flat surface.

Then, lay your wrapping paper over the cellophane.

Now you can wrap with ease! My favorite way is to roll the gift until it’s fully wrapped and then tie the ends with ribbons, wire garland, bows- all the fun things! Hence the name “tootsie roll method”



Christmas cookies we make every year :



$250 Cookies

Chocolate Mintys

Snow Covered Mountains

Grinchy bites

Ice cream cones


Cherry winks

Snowman pretzels

Peanut butter blossoms

If you think this looks like a lot of cookies, you're right. PLUS we make several batches of each and share them with family and friends. My entire kitchen is transformed into our cookie baking headquarters... my porch turns into our walkin cooler. This is as close to a production situation as we get…

My sister has a full spreadsheet, which includes every ingredient and how much to purchase. Watch last year's grocery run here:

My sister shows up at my house at 8 AM and we usually don’t wrap up until midnight. It’s a marathon event that I look forward to every year. Linking a recap of last year's cookie baking day here:

This year's cookie baking day is right around the corner and I can't wait! Cheers to a happy holiday season loaded with all your favorite treats!

Our Infamous Cookie List!

The 'B' column indicates the source of the recipe.  'rc' means from a recipe card, p# means from our Betty Crocker's Cooky Book, and HH means from the Homemade for the Holidays cookbook (by Favorite Recipes Press).  The ingredients in the top table are all formula-base, so I have inserted the amount of the ingredient the recipe calls for which gets multiplied by the number of batches inputted into column 'U', then all totals of that ingredients are summed in row '14', then converted into easier math in row '16' so we know what to shop for and not spinning our wheels in the baking aisle.  

The Other Supplies section at the bottom is a compilation of the random stuff that typically only applies to 1 recipe & just seemed excessive to add to the table at the top (makes sense in my head I guess), but this list is categorized by grocery store section for ease of shopping and includes cross-references to the cookie so know what the ingredient is for.

Finally, and not on this list, each year I make us a checklist of all cookies so as we bake we can cross completed items off our list as done!  



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